Επενδυτικά Σχέδια Καινοτομίας

Η επιχείρηση συγχρηματοδοτήθηκε από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και Εθνικούς Πόρους στο πλαίσιο της Δράσης του Προγράμματος «Κεντρική Μακεδονία» ΕΣΠΑ 2021-2027. Η πράξη έχει στόχο να δημιουργηθεί μία ενιαία τεχνολογική πλατφόρμα διαδικτύου για τη διαχείριση και διευκόλυνση των επιχειρησιακών διαδικασιών των Ο.Τ.Α.

Company News

Staff training of Happy Days camp on fire risk management

Staff training of Happy Days camp on fire risk management


In the framework of the cooperation between OMIKRON Environmental Consultants SA and the camp for children Happy Days, held a special training seminar on prevention and protection against fires on Monday, July 3.


Camp's staff and oficers were briefed by the specialised team of OMIKRON regarding the factors that contribute to the fires, while also having the opportunity to discuss specially designed scenarios arising from the simulator of o-fire


In the discussion made extensive reference to prevention and response issues and highlighted good practices to be followed in emergency situations.


The camp for children Happy Days continues for a second consecutive year the used of the system o-fire , investing in new technologies to enhance the safety of tourist facilities against fires. At the same time, training activities and careful proactive planning in risk management and decision making contribute to a high level of training and preparedness of camp staff.