OMIKRON Environmental Consultants SA is pleased to announce its co-operation with YMCA, which will also use the o-fire prevention and protection of outdoor fires at the YMCA und in Agios Nikolaos Halkidiki for the summer.
O-fire is an environmental live-time calculation of fire risk, proposing targeted prevention and protection measures. It allows continuous and spatial monitoring of the risk of fire starting and spreading as described in internationally recognized standards, while allowing the user to test hypothetical fire scenarios. All information collected and processed is visually user-friendly and user-friendly.
The accompanying o-fire services include mapping the area of interest in order to adapt the software to local conditions, continually recording local meteorological data, as well as providing ready-made weather scenarios for the area to train risk management staff. of fires.
With the use of o-fire, YMCA Halkidiki Campus seeks to raise the level of security of its visitors and facilities, along with the high quality services and original activities it offers each year to its small campers. For this reason, camp executives and staff will attend special training seminars on the prevention and protection of wildfires in combination with the use of software.
The collaboration of the two companies demonstrates in the most constructive way that new innovative technologies can bring the Environment and the People into balance, while opening new avenues for growth and improvement in Greek tourism.